How Can We Disinfect our Homes to Stay Free of Corona Virus?

As we know everywhere in the world goes into lockdown due to the coronavirus which is growing in leaps and bounds, it’s time to take safety measures. No doubt, you have already washed your hands raw with hand sanitizers and soap and already taken some measure. But what about your homes? Is it safe from coronavirus? The question is still moving around.

For keeping your living spaces free of coronavirus germs require some meticulous and systematic cleaning. Do mopping floors and cleaning surfaces with disinfectants which is important. Also by paying close attention to the smallest corners of your home which is also crucial. This time it’s easy to overlook things that are an inherent part of your daily routine because all results are deeply ingrained by these habits. We might wipe tables clean, but what about table mats and doorknobs?

By this blog, we guide you through some of the micro areas within your living spaces that can easily fall prey to familiarity and hence become easy to miss.

Kitchen – a high traffic area

  • In the kitchen floors and appliance, doors pay close attention to all the surfaces where food is prepped. In the kitchen counter, chopping boards, and even implements like rolling pins will do better with a good scrub. 
  • Just open up all the drawers and closed doors and do wipe down all shelves inside along with the handles and knobs.
  • Try to use jute bags or other reusable items? Give them a good soak in disinfectant-mixed water along with the kitchen, tea, and dish towels.
  • Just check out properly. Don’t miss out on smaller appliances like choppers, blenders, graters, and grinders, among others.
  • Always make a habit that your wastebaskets should be cleaned inside out, as well.
  • Ladies should not wear women's shoes inside the kitchen. Try to make a separate pair for home wear and outside wear. 
  • The dining area which is a heavily used space should be properly clean.
  • Always clean dining tables, cushions, chairs, and seat covers properly also add tablemats, cloth napkins, and cutlery to your repertoire.
  • Always make sure that windows, curtains, and other furnishings should not be missed like as water jugs, salt and pepper shakers, or flower vases.
  • Furnishings and furniture are easy enough to discern. Always take care of all the electronic devices in the house, like phones, laptops, tv screens, and remote controls. Even your earbuds, headphones, and wires do wipe regularly.
  • Always make a duty that switches and light control knobs on the walls should be clean because these come in many contacts.

Other items to note

  • Bath towels, bath mats, soap dishes, and other items in the bathroom, including shower curtains, should undergo disinfection.
  • All wearables, other than clothes, like watches, jewelry, and ladies' shoes must also be given a good scrub.
  • Pet fur can hold coronavirus germs through droplets for a longer time. Aside from frequently toweling your pets make sure they are wiped every time someone other than your immediate family members at home plays with them.
  • Don’t forget to clean your cleaning supplies themselves. Mob fibers, washcloths, vacuum cleaner bags, and nozzles should all be thoroughly disinfected after every use.
  • Also, look at kid's shoes that should be separate for daily routine and moving outside from home.

Keeping all these things in mind also babies and kid's shoes should be properly cleaned while they come home from the outside can protect our family from coronavirus.


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